As part of an initiative to increase its penetration in the market, our animal health client was seeking to optimize its messaging to veterinarians for a companion animal medication.
Test high level message dimensions and supporting points to uncover those which are the most disruptive and impactful for focus in marketing materials.
TRC identified the basic cost of entry message elements that needed be included in communications just to get into the consideration set. We also highlighted additional statements that differentiated this product from alternative treatments. From our industry market research, we revealed that there was no need to develop separate messages for two sub-groups of veterinarians because the same critical product messages appealed to both groups.
We utilized multiple regression techniques to identify the language, words and tone that should or should not be used in messages in order to motivate veterinarian interest in prescribing the medication and differentiate this medication from competitors.
The client was able to strategically optimize messages for all promotional and marketing materials (e.g., print/digital ads, e-detailer, hardcopy detailer, sales presentations, website, etc.). The insight that different groups of veterinarians would respond equally well to the same messages allowed the client to save on costs by eliminating the need to create separate materials for the different groups.