Having too few options in life can be limiting and frustrating.
This is especially true in the pet pharmaceutical market where pet owners want more prescription options from both a price and convenience standpoint. We uncovered this trend in our recent Pet Pharmaceutical Market Study1, which revealed a shift in pet pharmaceutical revenue from the veterinary pharmacy to online pharmacies and brick-and-mortar retail pharmacies.
But who are the pet owners leading this shift? We’ve identified them as “Early Movers” and they’re led by their desire for choice, price, transparency and convenience.
It is and will continue to be extremely important for pet pharmaceutical marketers to understand Early Movers’ behavior, mindset and motivators to capitalize on this audience segment. Marketers should consider implementing programs that help veterinarians understand the value of transparency with Early Mover clients. Offering tools like in-clinic education materials can help veterinarians better communicate and connect with this important segment of the pet-owning population.
To learn more about our decades of pet industry experience or why we know so much about Early Movers, contact Kimberly Ness.
1Pet Pharmaceutical Market Study conducted by Trone Brand Energy and Brakke Consulting.